Raven 3.7 released with Gestures for Windows

Raven 3.7.jpg

RAVEN 3.7 Release Notes:

●Introducing “Batch Gestures” for macOS and Windows, users can assign any handgesture to a Batch Command and utilize multiple Batch Commands with the samegestures by switching the layout.

●Auto-Save mode, users no longer need to save the layout and set the Raven session asdefault, because RAVEN 3.7.1 now auto saves and makes the current working layoutthe default.

●Logic 10.4.7 support with updated V-Control Pro

●New “Smart” “Auto Sync” Internal Mixer for Logic Pro X using UI Accessibility

●New “Gestures” default layout for Pro Tools, Cubase, and Logic

●Ableton Live 10 Support for Windows PC

●Customize mode now enables “mouse actions” for easier customization on multipledisplays

.●Pro Tools RAVEN Internal Mixer now supports 15 Inserts, EQ Curve, and Objects forDolby.

●Cubase 10.5 support and Internal Mixer update macOS / Windows

●New UPDD 6.0.520 installer on Windows

●New UPDD 6.0.508 installer for macOSBug Fixes:

●Cubase/Nuendo Meter calibration●Cubase/Nuendo sends 6-8 now working

●Studio One Track renaming initialization

●Toolbar buttons not saving to location in corner

●Logic 10.4.7 RAVEN Internal Mixer Alignment

●Swap 1-2 button only swapping toolbarsSupport Articles:

●How to setup Batch GesturesmacOS:https://slatemediatechnology.zendesk.com/hc/en-us/articles/360035749174Windows:https://slatemediatechnology.zendesk.com/hc/en-us/articles/360036952154

●How to utilize the new Auto-Save Featurehttps://slatemediatechnology.zendesk.com/hc/en-us/articles/360036487593

●Cubase/Nuendo Visibility Configuration and Workspaces macOShttps://youtu.be/ToyL9rIAKPM